If a nearby competitor has more numerous, recent and/or positive results, the fact that you might be closer, cheaper or better may not get you that business.
Reviews help your website rank and also affect your listing and business profiles. For example Google uses online reviews when ranking results on Maps. Even at a glance, the collated information will appear as a star rating, which is enough of a short hand for many consumers to make in-the-moment decisions.
Build on your high performance areas or get ahead of potential problems by using Saymore’s review monitoring platform which combines advanced sentiment analysis and powerful reporting so you can make data-driven decisions.
You gain better ranking in local search results and increased trust in your product and services leading to a more profitable business.
To manage online reviews of your business, you need to know when and where they appear with Saymore, that’s easy one dashboard for everything with notification of new reviews
You can publish first party reviews on your website giving your customers a place to leave feedback, and a build trust amongst consumers considering your business to increase sales conversion.
More than 90% of customers read online reviews regularly, and 88% trust them as much as a personal recommendation. This is the kind of information that has the potential to turn your business around. When someone takes the time to leave feedback its good practice to acknowledge it. Take this opportunity to re-enforce the service you provide without being boastful. Another big reason why your response matters is because future customers are very likely to read it.
Negative reviews give a fuller picture, and lend credibility so it doesn’t look like you’re manipulating your image online. How you handle them is equally important. Avoid engaging in an angry back and forth with an unhappy reviewer – even if they seem in the wrong. In the long run, this is a bad look for business owners.
Ultimately, what you want is for more people to buy your service or product. When you compete work or say goodbye to a happy customer follow up with a review request link from Saymore by email or SMS and use that positive feedback to build your reputation.